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Freon R134A Chemours USA

Kategori: Freon,Refrigeration | Dilihat: 286 Kali
Rp 2.200.000
Kode Produk : Freon R134A
Berat : 17 Kg
Stok : 20
Date : 18-10-2021
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Freon R134A Chemours USA

Rp 2.200.000
A Hydrofluorocarbon Retrofit Refrigerant for R-12 Automotive service technicians depend on Freon™ 134a (R-134a) refrigerant, a non-ozone depleting hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) replacement for R-12. Freon...
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A Hydrofluorocarbon Retrofit Refrigerant for R-12

Automotive service technicians depend on Freon™ 134a (R-134a) refrigerant, a non-ozone depleting hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) replacement for R-12. Freon™ 134a is the standard in many mobile air conditioning (AC) units, and also replaces R-12 in:

- Commercial stationary refrigeration systems
- Chiller systems and home appliances
- Existing refrigeration and AC systems

Because many original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) specify polyolester (POE) oil for use, systems that retrofit with Freon™ 134a may require an oil change. Consult your OEM for specific guidance.

Regulations on the long-term use of refrigerants vary by region and application, and may change over time. For the latest information, please visit the Regulations page.

If you're looking for a low global warming potential (GWP) alternative alternative, consider Opteon™ XP10 (R-513A)—a new generation hydrofluoroolefin (HFO) refrigerant replacement for R-134a in stationary equipment.

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